Merciful God £2.00

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Product Information

    'Merciful God' is a child friendly hymn written to be sung in schools during the 'Year of Mercy' instigated by Pope Francis which began in Dec 2015. The hymn talks of God as our greatest teacher and cites all the values which he taught us whilst on earth including a quote from 'The Lord's Prayer, and the Greek 'Kyrie Eleison,' part of the Penitential Rite said during masses. The song splits into two parts at the end where the two halves of the chorus are sung as a partner song. I have been delighted by how quickly the children learnt this hymn and seem to enjoy singing it. Hopefully the message of the hymn will hit home too. I was doubly delighted that the hymn was included in the Resource Pack compiled for the Diocese of Westminster and sent out to all the schools in the diocese.

Audio Samples

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    • Sample


  • Lyrics Sheet
  • Sheet Music
  • Full Recorded Song
  • Backing Track
  • Performing License


The song 'Merciful God' is wonderfully inspirational and we intend to place it in our 'Year of Mercy' resource pack. Please pass on my thanks to Sally Kee, the song is wonderful.
J.P. Morrison Director of Education Westminster