Just Like Romeo and Juliet £2.00

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Product Information

    This was written as an extra song to add to the fantastic 'Shakespeare Rocks' by Steve Titford published by 'Musicline!' This is a fabulous show and I would highly recommend it. 'Just Like Romeo and Juliet' could stand alone as a song linking to a topic on Shakespeare or the Tudors and it also contains the odd moral or two. The children performed this with a Tudor like dance in the chorus.

Audio Samples

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    • Sample


  • Lyrics Sheet
  • Sheet Music
  • Full Recorded Song
  • Backing Track
  • Performimg License


'Just like Romeo and Juliet' was superb. It helped lift our end of term production to a new level and as always Sally's songs inspired the children to sing with great energy and enthusiasm.
Guy Peters Assistant Head St Joseph's R.C. School Hertford